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Find the top 10 largest quakes on a given day, month or year

Wonder which was the most powerful earthquake in the world on your birthday? Or during a given month or even a whole year? Find it out below!

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The 10 biggest earthquakes in the world since 1900

No earthquakes were found in the database for this date.
Why is that? Before around 1960, only the larger earthquakes in the world could be recorded, typically those above magnitude 5-6, which do not occur every day. This is why for some dates, no quakes can be shown.
Only few earthquakes were found in the database for this date.
Why is that? Before around 1960, only the larger earthquakes in the world could be recorded, typically those above magnitude 5-6, which do not occur every day. This is why for some dates, less than 10 quakes can be shown here.
Datum und Uhrzeit GMTMag
22. Mai. 1960 15:11 (Santiago)
vor 64 Jahren

25 km
38 km S von Cañete, Arauco, del Biobio, ChileMehr
27. Mär. 1964 18:36 (Anchorage)
vor 60 Jahren

25 km
Chugach, 59 km SW von Valdez, Valdez-Cordova, Alaska, USAMehr
11. Mär. 2011 14:46 (GMT +9)
vor 13 Jahren

29 km
Nordpazifik, 95 km O von Ishinomaki, Miyagi, JapanMehr
26. Dez. 2004 07:58 (Jakarta)
vor 19 Jahren

30 km
Indischer Ozean, 96 km S von Meulaboh, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh, IndonesienMehr
5. Nov. 1952 04:58 (GMT +12)
vor 72 Jahren

22 km
Nordpazifik, 92 km SO von Petropawlowsk-Kamtschatski, Kamtschatka, RusslandMehr
27. Feb. 2010 02:34 (Santiago)
vor 14 Jahren

23 km
South Pacific Ocean, 89 km NW von Chillan, Diguillin, Ñuble, ChileMehr
31. Jan. 1906 15:36 (Weltzeit)
vor 118 Jahren

20 km
32 km O von Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas, EcuadorMehr
3. Feb. 1965 19:01 (GMT -10)
vor 59 Jahren

30 km
Bering Sea, 151 km W von Amatignak , Aleutians West, Alaska, USAMehr
11. Apr. 2012 14:38 (GMT +6)
vor 12 Jahren

20 km
Indischer Ozean, 437 km SW von Banda Aceh, Banda Aceh, Aceh, IndonesienMehr
28. Mär. 2005 23:09 (Pontianak)
vor 19 Jahren

30 km
Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, 79 km W von Singkil, Aceh, IndonesienMehr
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