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Makaturing Volcano satellite images

Images include thermal anomalies from fires, volcanoes etc (red dots).
Useful links: Sentinel hub | Landsat 8 | NASA FIRMS

Note: Some images might be broken or incomplete due to internal loading or server timeout issues.

- Jüngstes -

Satellite: Suomi NPP (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)

Satellite: Aqua (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)

Satellite: Terra (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)

- Gestern -

Satellite: Suomi NPP (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Suomi NPP (NASA)

Satellite: Aqua (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Aqua (NASA)

Satellite: Terra (NASA)

Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)Makaturing satellite image Terra (NASA)


Imagery from: EOSDIS Worldview (NASA)
If you like to use one of these images, please include a link back to this page!

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