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Krakatau Volcano Videos

Caldera 813 m (2,667 ft.) / Anak Krakatau: 189 m
Sunda Strait, Indonesia, -6.1°S / 105.42°E
Krakatoa volcano eruptions from close (20-21 Nov 2018)

Compilation of short clips of strombolian explosions at the summit crater of Anak Krakatau during 20 and 21 Nov 2018 in the evening. Double speed.

Volcano Expedition to Krakatoa 18-24 Nov 2018: eruption movie

A short movie about the recent Volcano Special tour, showing our arrival on the island and the various eruptions seen from the boat, the opposite beach and from few hundred meters distance on Anak Krakatau itself.

Evening eruption at Anak Krakatau 20 Nov 2018 from close range

Observation of strombolian activity from Anak Kraktau from close range. Lava bombs were sometimes falling only few hundred meters away from us and when activity eventually increased, we were forced to retreat.

Krakatoa volcano erupts red hot lava in spectacular night-time explosion

Krakatoa had a particularly violent eruptive phase during 17-19 Nov 2018. With a small group, we managed to reach the island on 19 Nov and observed intense lava fountaining, explosions and lava flows.

Near continuous weak lava fountaining at Krakatau volcano

Night of 19 Nov 2018, Anak Krakatau showed still intense activity including small pulsating lava fountains and the effusion of a new lava flow descending on the southern slope of the summit cone.

Krakatau volcano: spectacular large explosion 17 Oct 2018

Video was taken during a VolcanoDiscovery expedition to Krakatau from 13-20 Oct 2018. In the afternoon of 17 Oct, a particularly violent explosion occurred as lateral blast that excavated a pit crater beneath the southern lid of the crater, at the same location the September lava flow had overspilled from the crater. By 19 Oct, this new pit had merged with the main crater, enlarging it.
mer., 24 avril 2024, 14:00

Krakatau volcano (Sunda Strait) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 17 April-23 April 2024 (Continuing Activity)

On 19 April PVMBG lowered the Alert Level for Krakatau to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) based on visual observations and instrumental data. The public was warned to stay at least 2 km away from the crater. ... Read all
mer., 20 déc. 2023, 15:00

Krakatau volcano (Sunda Strait) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 13 December-19 December 2023 (Continuing Activity)

PVMBG reported that the eruption at Krakatau continued during 13-19 December. White-and-gray ash plumes that were sometimes dense rose as high as 1 km above the summit and drifted NE and N during 13-16 December. Some webcam images posted with the daily reports showed incandescence at the vent. ... Read all
Krakatau erupting on May 27, 1883. From Symons, G., 1888, The Eruption of Krakatau and Subsequent phenomena: Reports of the Krakatau Committee of the Royal Society, Trubner, London.
Krakatau erupting on May 27, 1883. From Symons, G., 1888, The Eruption of Krakatau and Subsequent phenomena: Reports of the Krakatau Committee of the Royal Society, Trubner, London.
Spectacular explosion in Oct 2018
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