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Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy): lava flow is cooling and new hornito in North crater area

Mo, 27. Mai 2024, 03:42 | VON: MARTIN
The new hornito in the northern crater sector of Stromboli volcano (image: INGV)
The new hornito in the northern crater sector of Stromboli volcano (image: INGV)
The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported that a new hornito formed atop the volcano recently.
INGV volcanologists, during a field trip, found 6 crater vents active - 4 in the North and 2 in the South crater area. The latest bursting lava spattering phase has been constructing a new, steep-sided cinder cone in the northern sector, also called the hornito currently (see the video).
The recent short lava flow on the Sciara del Fuoco continues to cool down, it undergoes so-called crystallization process.
No significant ground deformation was recorded.
Source: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia volcano activity update 27 May 2024
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The new lava flow emerging from the North Crater area this morning (image: INGV)
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= Plätze frei   = garantiert   = Wenig freie Plätze   = Ausgebucht
Stromboli Vulkan
Stratovulkan 926 m
Eolian Islands, Italy, 38.79°N / 15.21°E
Aktueller Status: Ausbruch (4 von 5) Ausbrüche des Stromboli:
Fast konstante Aktivität in den letzten 2000-3000 Jahren. Lavastrom und Eruption z.B. im Dezember 2002 - Juli 2003, März 2007, August 2014.
Typische Aktivität
Kleine, explosive strombolische Eruptionen, die typischerweise alle 20-30 Minuten stattfinden. Alle 5-20 Jahre gibt es meist kleinere effusive Eruptionen mit Lavaströmen und 2-5 mal im Jahr größere Explosionen.
Stromboli Volcano Tours
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14 Tage (13 Nächte) - Leicht bis mittel
Preis 3890 €
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9 Tage / 8 Nächte - Leicht bis mittel
Preis 2950 €
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3.-11. May 2025
Oct 2025 (exact dates soon)
Lava flow and explosions in Jan 2013
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