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Nightingale Island Volcano

Updated: 1 juin. 2024 09:36 GMT -
Stratovolcano 365 m / 1,197 ft
Southern Atlantic Ocean, United Kingdom, -37.42°S / -12.48°W
Condition actuelle: normal / en sommeil (1 sur 5)
Last update: 13 déc. 2021 (Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)

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Style éruptif tipique: unspecified
Eruptions du volcan Nightingale Island: 2004 

Derniers séismes proches

No recent earthquakes
HeureMag. / ProfondeurDistance / Lieu


Nightingale Island and the adjacent smaller Middle (or Alex) and Stoltenhoff Islands and associated small islets are the southernmost of the Tristan da Cunha island group. The heavily eroded Nightingale Island consists of early and late stage ash and agglomerate units with intervening massive trachytic intrusions and lava flows. Volcanic rocks were K-Ar dated at between 0.4 and 0.15 million years, and a radiocarbon date of about 39,000 yrs BP was obtained from an ash layer overlain by a lava flow. An earthquake swarm lasting 6 hours beginning on July 29, 2004 was followed by observation of large blocks of floating phonolitic pumice that washed up on Tristan da Cunha. The event was considered to have originated from an eruption associated with an earthquake swarm 37-53 km SSE of Tristan da Cunha on the submarine SE flank of Nightingale Island.
Smithsonian / GVP volcano information

Latest satellite images

nightingaleisland satellite image sat1nightingaleisland satellite image sat2
mer., 28 juil. 2004, 06:00

Nightingale Island volcano (United Kingdom) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 28 July-3 August 2004 (New Activity / Unrest)

According to a news report, a swarm of earthquakes occurred beneath Tristan da Cunha during the nights of 28 and 29 July. A scientist monitoring seismic activity from the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna International Centre indicated that the main swarm lasted ~8 hours and occurred ~30 km below the volcano. After the swarm, there were a few individual earthquakes and then activity tapered off. ... Read all

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